"The Fantastic Mr. Fox" revolves around Mr. Fox who steals chickens, ducks, and turkeys from three mean, stinky and wealthy farmers, Boggis, Bunce and Bean, to feed his family. When the farmers had enough with his action, they are determined to kill him, endangering not only Mr. Fox's beloved family, but the whole animal community. Trapped underground and with not enough food to go around, he comes up with a plan. He gets the animals band together to fight back.
Based on the novel by author Roald Dahl, this animated feature comes from director/producer/writer Wes Anderson and animator Mark Gustafson. Scheduled to open the 53rd Times BFI London Film Festival on October 14, the movie is set to open wide in the U.S. November 13. Among those contributing for the characters
- "Recording the Voices" Featurette:
- Inside Look at Bill Murray as Badger:
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